SugarCRM. The first part describes the most basic integration by simply sharing database access.

In a lot of projects, no tight integration of your software with SugarCRM is needed - you only want to access the data, most of the times readonly, but also have the possibility to make changes. No UI needed, or no UI which is integrated into SugarCRM. For those cases it might be a good solution to simply share database with Sugar. ODBC, OLEDB as well as JDBC and Perl::DB drivers are available for free to access the mysql database. SugarCRMs table structure is rather easy to understand: 

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This series discusses the various means of integrating 3rd-party software, open source or not, with the well-known “commercial open source” CRM-Software SugarCRM. The first part describes the most basic integration by simply sharing database access.

In a lot of projects, no tight integration of your software with SugarCRM is needed – you only want to access the data, most of the times readonly, but also have the possibility to make changes. No UI needed, or no UI which is integrated into SugarCRM. For those cases it might be a good solution to simply share database with Sugar. ODBC, OLEDB as well as JDBC and Perl::DB drivers are available for free to access the mysql database. SugarCRMs table structure is rather easy to understand: 

There are “data” tables, “link” tables and some helper and config tables. All of the “data” tables have a set of common fields:

  • “id” – holds the unique id of the object
  • “date_entered” – original creation data

it makes no sense for itself – the interesting part in the link-tables are the additional fields, which link to the related objects. They are called like “object-name_id”, for example “account_id” and “contact_id” in the link table “account_contacts”.

This is an example query which lists all contact names with associated account name:

select c.first_name, c.last_name, from contacts c, accounts_contacts ac, accounts a where c.deleted != 1 and ac.deleted != 1 and a.deleted != 1 and = ac.contact_id and ac.account_id = order by, c.last_name

Using this query and an the MySQL ODBC driver (available here: it is possible to do a mail merge with Microsoft Word, or even to perform calculations and build charts with Microsoft Excel. Some examples on how to do this are available in the ZuckerReports project at SugarForge:


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