
newbie on this board

kansas 在 周二, 2006-03-07 03:31 提交

sorry for typing my message in English. Reason: I can not install Chinese language software on the company laptop without approval!

" />

一位Oracle CRM Expert在C3CRM’s Blog上的评论



newbie on this board

kansas 在 周二, 2006-03-07 03:31 提交

sorry for typing my message in English. Reason: I can not install Chinese language software on the company laptop without approval!

I have been working on the CRM system for ISP in the States since late 1998….. now, I am an Oracle CRM expert …. still working in the telecom industry.

I come across this board by accident… It seems someone has been working on open source CRM system. I am really surprised! not too many people doing open source commercial application those days, especially for enterprise solution! …. only thing I can think of is that some Israel companies were trying to provide free CRM application to some minor telecom firms in the States, however, it is just for the sake of getting a foot step in the NorthAmerican Market…. it is not aimed to provide free software forever…. this lead to my curiosity: who is sponsoring your development effort? how big is your system C3CRM2.0.0? I am not trying to be intrusive or nosy! I would be astonished if I find out that you guys are trying to come up with an enterprise solution.

Thank you very much!

Re:newbie on this board

dfar2008 在 周二, 2006-03-07 07:03 提交

Thanks for your post.
you can learn c3crm via our demo:https://demo.c3crm.com

We are trying to provide open source and free crm for SME in china. We also set up a c3crm product consulants group for c3crm system. Welcome you to join this group. you can join via http://product.c3crm.com. You can contact me by gmail(dfar2008@gmail.com) for detail info about c3crm.

Tim Ding


kansas 在 周三, 2006-03-08 06:54 提交

Yes! I did take a look at your GUI at https://demo.c3crm.com. However, I have not spent too much time to review the details. The following items are based on a quick glance at the tabs that indicate the basic features of your software.
[1] The GUI looks very professional. It will catch the eyes of the potential users.
[2] The software is more like J. D. Edwards application. So, it may be a good fit for a sales department or manufacture, but not a CRM system for customer service, such as call-center.
[3] The application is trying to cover every aspect of the business, which may be too much to handle.
[1] To include statistics in CRM application is definitely not a great idea, Data Mining is resource intense process. In most companies I worked for this process often locate on separate server that get the production data over night. There are many different software for dataMining/reporting available on the market.
[2] To include the Email system into the CRM application is a redundant effort. MS Outlook already has all the functionalities ready. Why spend resource to duplicate the same features? Maybe there is a confusion about ERMS[EmailResponseManagementSystem]. In peopleSoft CRM, the ERMS automatically handles the structure Email request. And customer Representatives use group email alias to handle the worklist, which often belongs to un-structured email request. However, it does not handle individual reps email or meeting schedule.
[3] Somehow the log in process takes too much time[roughly 30 seconds]. I hope this was not due to the network connectivity issue. Also, to use the Apache as web server is OK, however, if you do not have tomcat/weblogic/websphere to handle the transaction, there is no way for you to support the concurrent users on enterprise scale. To use Mysql as the database server? Hmm….. It does not look promising! I do not know your architectural design, so, I can not make too much comment. But one thing I can tell you: A good CRM application has to be 3 tier architecture, and web server, application server, and database server should be on separate boxes.

Good luck for your project! Please forgive me if I made blunt statement here.


dfar2008 在 周四, 2006-03-09 04:40 提交

1)statistics in CRM application
由 于C3CRM所面对的客户的CRM用户大概在5-50 Users,在国内这样的公司很少出钱购买dataMining/reporting tools,据我了解,美国、英国那边的小公司也没有购买这样的工具,他们都希望系统里具有dataMining/reporting的功能,而且这个对 他们非常重要,目前C3CRM的Report模块功能还比较简单,新版本正在开发中。
2)To include the Email system into the CRM application
3)Somehow the log in process takes too much time[roughly 30 seconds]
4)3 tier architecture
由 于我也是做Java出身,对你说的东西还是深有感触的。做一个伸缩性比较强的系统,3层架构尤为重要的,我从事的阿尔卡特的PDM系统也是采用这样的系统 架构,但是有一点,你要清楚,我们面对的客户不是像阿尔卡特这样的客户,而是中小型公司,这些客户没有那么多钱买那么多服务器和中间件以及大型数据库,何 况他们的业务量也没有那么大,我觉得LAMP(Linux,apache ,mysql,php)平台完全能满足这些客户的需要,更重要的是这样的平台均是免费的,mysql也越来越强,受到了很多VC的青睐。
可能你在 美国访问我们的demo比较慢,你可以访问一下这个demo:http://ohpacking.biz/c3crm/index.php,服务器是在美 国的,希望您抽时间认真研究一下C3CRM,提提建议,为国内的开源事业共进一份力,如果您感兴趣,也可以加入我们的产品顾问小组,该小组里有很多像您一 样的CRM Expert,大家一起探讨一些有关CRM的话题。

Before we discuss the

kansas 在 周五, 2006-03-10 19:27 提交

Before we discuss the software architecture, let me briefly recall the latest CRM history. So, we can see where we are, what may happen next. A software architect must have a clear vision!

Back 12-13 years ago, we saw hundreds [if not thousands] CRM software vendors/builders mushroomed under the rainbow of high-tech booming rainbow. However, by the end of 2000, 90% of them died under the scorching sunlight of harsh reality, and only a handful names still can be seen or heard: SAP, peopelsoft, Siebel, J.D.Edwards, and Oracle. But game is not over yet! Since vendors run out of tier one customers [mega size companies], they started to look the market of medium size business, and trying to scale down their existing application for this need. This move just enticed the appetite of Microsoft. Then, a new era of war started. Microsoft announced that she will be the one who will provide medium [and small] size business firms with CRM system. Nobody could afford to misunderstand her statement. The sheer weight of this three hundred pounds gorilla can simply crash any small dog on the field. Every software company has to remember the miserable story of WordPerfect, Lotus123, Netscape, etc…… In order to defend themselves, the Merger&Acquisition party prelude the real competition. As you may know, Peoplesoft bought out J.D.Edwards which is very popular with manufacture firms. But Larry of Oracle has simply abandoned his obscure CRM application, and swallowed peoplesoft and Siebel as a whole. As of today [March of 2006], the line has being clearly drawn on the battle field: large firms have being divided between SAP[strong in Europe, aggressive in NorthAmerica] and Oracle [keeping its existing lucrative customers, while struggling with merger related issues, both in personnel and software]; The market of medium size firm is un-chartered territory. Nobody can present an rock solid evidence to convincing customers that her system is the best. Amid of the turmoil, we saw google, the dragon slayer in Bill’s eye, are sneaking in. It seems google is trying to grab all the small business firms by providing web-based application hosting service for CRM system [un-confirmed rumors !!] . This is a major blast to Microsoft. I just saw a news that google is working on beta testing of a calendar program, tentatively called CL2. My instinct is telling me that the combination of Gmail+CL2 will kill MS Outlook. 3 years down the road, Microsoft will not dare to ask license fee for Outlook.

Now, let’s look at your targeting market here. Your system is:
[1] it is a generic application, not specific to any particular industry or any commercial field.
[2] it consist of front-end browser based GUI, and back-end database storage
[3] it is for small/medium business firm [end user below 50 Users can hardly be called medium size business]

Question: do you have a sizable target market to enter?
Answer: Yes! You do, and it is a huge market too. Thousands of small business owners do need CRM system to facilitate their business operation. Unfortunately this is also the market that the big dogs have their eyes on.
Question: can you afford to have an head-on collision with Microsoft? http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/crm/product/overview.mspx
Answer: No! you can not, if Microsoft simply bundle its CRM application into MS Office like Word, or give it away for free like IE browser. It will be extremely hard for you to get any customer. Who wants to do separate software installation/maintenance when he/she already has similar software that comes with standard office suite or even OS?! Also, Microsoft has oversea branches all over the world, localization process is relatively easy. So, you have no clear advantage over it.

OK! Enough for the bad news!….
What is the solution or how to position your software to an unique niche in the market?
My advise is market specialization. That is no generic application, but focus your software solution for specific industry and professional field. Such as doctor office [hospital/clinic] CRM application, security company CRM application, etc…
Why? Because it is not worth for big boys to do tailor job here… that naturally closed the door for big gorillas, so, you only compete with people in your size. Indeed, today’s software world, only two business practice can make it through: specialized service and mass-production. The big boys are in the mass-production side[also called affordability&profitability, that mean consumer can afford to buy it in lower price, while vendor company can sell it in mass quantity to make profit]. This is the reason that why Siebel even has the best technology in CRM [and she was number 1 vendor in the States one time], but just can not survive in long term, because her cost was high, only after merger with Oracle, it can layoff thousands of duplicated jobs, her technological advance can provide profit for the company. …….

I hope I explained the reason of my advise, However, Please Don’t take my remarks literally!

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  1. dfar2008:I was going to
    I was going to propose a case study….. However, I am not seeing any comment since my last post …. Maybe nobody is interested in….


  2. kansas,reply is here



  3. To dfar2008
    Peoplesoft的CRM在被Oracle兼并前其最稳定的软件版本号为peopleTool8.43和CRM8.8. 目前的最新版本为peopleTool8.47, 年底前Oracle大概会推出popleTool8.48. 以下是CRM8.8的指导手册名单。请注意! 每一个手册都是一本厚厚的书:

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    I am not trying to discourage you, instead, I am just trying to prove what I told you last time: During the past 15 years the software for CRM has gone too far already. There is no future for any home-grown generic CRM application. Take peoplesoft application as an example here. The CRM is only one module of peoplesoft application, a majority of clients use Human Resource module called peoplesoft HR, and banks use peoplesoft Finance, etc…. each of these modules has millions of lines of code, and covers every aspect of business practice. How can a new startup to catch up with those giant corporations?! We heard about story of 2-3 geeks [while dressed in shorts and sandals, sitting in their garage ,and talking to their pals over the phone] had written[invented] an application, and then, became millionaires. But those stories are history now…… So, you have to go for specialized area to avoid direct competition with big boys like Oracle/SAP/Microsoft. As an entrepreneur, you may want to put yourself into a bigger picture…. While… while… the whole world become smaller and smaller every day, especially in the technology field, there is no isolated island or oasis for any one those days.

  4. hope this one is easy to read!
    The beauty of software is on its engineering side. That is why I like programming so much, and ended up as an engineer. Let’s stay away from general topic about CRM, and do a case analysis/brain storm. This may bring us closer.

    I have search word of CRM in http://www.baidu.com tonight, and I saw tons of CRM application available for sale. By looking at demo in few websites. I have a feeling that most of those software are used by salesman for pre-sales activity, and there is no emphasize on post-sales which happen to be the main focus of CRM [CustomerRelationshipManagement] application in the West.

    Let’s take SuperCRM3.5 [http://www.huaertek.com/huaertek/chinese/crm4.asp] as an example. By a careful review of its 基本功能 , I saw it focus on the 销售自动化包括客户档案管理,联系人管理,商机管理,商业活动管理,向导式的自动报价系统,合同生成和管理系统,订单处理系统,费用管理,员工绩效,统计分析系统等模块组成。 Indeed, this is a basically 销售自动化 software application. [How is my copy&paste skill?! Hahaha... say something good! … wink wink]

    The modern business world is characterized by its strong emphasis on post-sales service. This is why when IT industry flourished due to the rapid development of computer science, the service oriented CRM application has being embraced by the business community immediately.

    Now, case study:
    Let’s assume Mr. Wang owns a utility company that sells natural gas to residential area in a major city. Is it possible for him to use SuperCRM3.5 ? No, he will not use this software even it is for free! As we know that most utility companies often have monopoly due to the heavy investment in infrastructure. So, Mr. Wang’s business model is not selling merchandise, but providing service. Selling is not the focal point. Customizing a sales oriented application into a service oriented application may end up with a hefty price tag that no one is willing to pay for. [Nowadays, IT consulting fee is not cheap in the West, $200-$300 per hour is a normal charge]

    Now, Mr. Wang made a smart move to search for an application fit his business model. The following listed features of a CRM application can provide good service to residents who buy gas:

    It should contain:
    [1]user info
    [2]customer info
    [3]company product
    [4]vendor info
    Sounds simple? Yes, it is indeed!

    Now, let’s see if city resident Mrs. Zhang bought an apartment that has gas stove. She picked up the phone ordering the service. Ms. XX001, the customer Representative from Mr. Wang’s company, answered the phone call while logging into the SugarCRM application[Background action#1]. Ms. XX001 key in the following information of Mrs. Zhang: address [Background action#2], last name, first name, and ID number [Background action#3]. The preferred billing method [Background action#4]. Since Mrs. Zhang wants to order a special cook top, Ms. XX001 also selected the item from the company product name list [Background action#5]. If everything is smooth, she completes the transaction, and gives Mr. Zhang the confirmation number for the order [Background action#6].

    OK, let’s see what SugarCRM has been doing in the background:
    [action#1] The radius server is working on validation, it check to see if XX001 has privilege to log into SugarCRM, and verify if XX001 has power to process new orders.
    [action#2] search engine runs against mapping database to see if company pipeline reaches Mrs. Zhang’s address.
    [action#3] Credit checking program runs against customer database to see if Mrs. Zhang has a delinquent account history. Or check with 3rd party database for bad credit history
    [action#4] If billing method is credit card, it will verify the card number and charge for initial setup fee through secure server that connected to Credit Card Company.
    [action#5] send out shipping notice to the product inventory department or 3rd party vendor
    [action#6] trigger the provisioning system that will send notice to service department to do field work [install gas meter, etc..]

    Assuming in the next day, the product department dropped the shipment in the post office, and entered the info into the SugarCRM. Then, system automatically generated email/mail to Mrs. Zhang. And few days later, the service department installed the equipment, and turned on the switch. Of course, this information also gets into SugarCRM. And exactly one month after Mrs. Zhang has her gas pipeline turned on, she will receive a monthly bill. That means billing engine working and posted the charge on her account. If city construction work disrupts the pipeline, field workers will do inspection/repair, and give a feedback to the SugarCRM. Then, system will send out apology letter to the customers in the neighborhood. If Mrs. Zhang has questions about her bill, Customer Rep will be able to open her account in SugarCRM and explain the billing history to her, or make the adjustment.

    To the front-end user, all those transaction/operation is nice and easy! However, the back-end program is much more complicated. CRM has to hook up with Billing system, Order management system, service provisioning system, etc… without access those info in real time, the quality of service will be compromised. Some features seem not CRM related, such as secure connection with 3rd party company. But we have to take it into consideration while designing the system architecture. While… Let’s take the action#1 as an example. One may say “why do we need a radius server? We only have 50 employees”. While.. .. While .. .. How long does a utility company stay in business? 10 years? 20 years? In todays free labor market, nobody can expect 50 employees will all stay on the same job for more than 5 years. Should we delete all those inactive employee accounts, realistic answer is NO! Within 5 years time frame a 50 employees company may ends up with 500 user account, active and inactive. An architect must be able to predict or forecast the system load 5 years down the road. Also, how about if company wants to launch online service to customers? so that, customers can access his/her account through web, instead of calling customer Rep .. .. And how about those complicated privilege, role, permission, etc.. .. It is better to have a separate module.


    [it is getting late….. ]

  5. Sorry, I did not see your post on the original thread
    Re:Before we discuss the

    由 dfar2008 在 周一, 2006-03-13 09:43 提交
    kansas,you are great!
    您的分析非常精彩,虽然我一直关注Oracle,Siebel,Sap,PeopleSoft,Microsoft,Google,最近也从网上看到了Google CL2
    前一段时间,我一直在考虑C3CRM的发展,要走什么样的路,要从哪点突破,与很多人谈过,与搞投资的陈俊华同学经常探讨,也经常向dontian请教,还曾经找过我们公司(HP GDCC)的Sap老大谈过,他们的建议和您的一样,要专注于某个行业,虽然我听取了他们的建议,也为今年做了计划,要在三个行业有所成绩,但是我没有太大的动力,只是感觉这只是一个发展途径,而不是必须这么做,经过这次与您的讨论,使我觉得我们必须专注某些行业才能有所发展,这或许是唯一出路。这使我想起了美国的QAD,专门做电子行业和汽车行业的ERP,在这两个行业竟然占60%的份额(大致数字),而SAP在这两个行业仅占20%多,国内的明源CRM,专门做房地产行业的CRM,05年也挤进了国内CRM前10强,想起2000年我如果坚持做房地产行业的软件,说不定还能做出来点成绩呢,:).

    Sorry, I did not see your post until this morning……
    Base on your English website, the word 开源 is “open source”. You can see a lot of open source programs at http://www.gnu.org. My understanding is that open source code can be modified, however, people should release the revised version of code, and most important rule is: nobody can sell software that based on open source code! This does not fit 微软 business model. It is indeed that 微软 never release her source code……. If you ask for my guess/speculation ….. hmm….. … I think 微软 is trying to initiate a brain storm project here…. Get some fresh ideas and improve her own CRM or other business application. We have to remember that Microsoft is a for-profit company, and she has a huge group of sharp businessmen. In the past, I have seen too many small firms who tried to peg on Microsoft failed! So, I am not very optimistic about it….

    I found out that there is a conceptual misunderstanding about open source code among some people in China … let me get into this issue next time…

  6. 不太适合call-senter用
    2] The software is more like J. D. Edwards application. So, it may be a good fit for a sales department or manufacture, but not a CRM system for customer service, such as call-center.


  7. to kansas
    你写的这几个评论我看了好几遍,一直没给你回复,是在等我们的3.0开发版的demo发布,今天终于出来了,但还在改善和开发中。 http://ohpacking.biz/c3crm/index.php admin/admin will/will


     在新版本中,我们增加了有关售后服务的模块,我希望在销售(国内比较注重)、营销、售后等三个接触点加强对客户的管理,提高客户的满意度等等,与你讲的Post Sale有点吻合,:).




    尽管我觉得我们有必要提供special service,这样才能生存,并避免与大企业竞争,但是我还是想把C3CRM做成一个易扩展的平台,每个企业都可以根据自己的需求去扩展它,最好的情况不懂技术的人都可以根据自己的需求去扩展C3CRM,虽然达到这样的目标有点难度,但是这是我追求的目标,为国内的中小企业在CRM方面提供一个好的选择,不能总是让国外的公司把握我们的信息命脉。


    关于你在Case Study最后一段所谈的,我缺乏这方面的考虑,希望能多向你请教。

  8. To dfar2008
    I have read chiction对中小企业需求的总结 several times over the weekend. Due to the fact that I have been living here for the past 16 years, I guess I am completely off in touch of reality with IT industry of China .. And the worst of all, I was not in IT field when I was back at home, so, I never had chance to talk to anyone in IT industry when I went home last year .. ..