1、报价单增加调整、税收、小计等功能,并能导出中文PDF报价单,当报价完成时就可以导出中文PDF发票。oneal & ding OK
2、增加权限功能,负责人可以是某个用户、某个部门和某个角色;oneal OK
3、优化每个模块的查找功能;oneal OK
4、优化Frameset layout; OK
7、支持旧的主题; OK
8、修复chart的编码问题; OK
9、添加license到新的系统里; OK
The contents of this file are subject to the RECIPROCAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1 ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliancewith the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://opensource.org/licenses/rpl.php. Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
You may:
a) Use and distribute this code exactly as you received without payment or a royalty or other fee.
b) Create extensions for this code, provided that you make the extensions publicly available and document your modifications clearly.
c) Charge for a fee for warranty or support or for accepting liability obligations for your customers.
You may NOT:
a) Charge for the use of the original code or extensions, including in electronic distribution models, such as ASP (Application Service Provider).
b) Charge for the original source code or your extensions other than a nominal fee to cover distribution costs where such distribution involves PHYSICAL media.
c) Modify or delete any pre-existing copyright notices, change notices, or License text in the Licensed Software
d) Assert any patent claims against the Licensor or Contributors, or which would in any way restrict the ability of any third party to use the Licensed Software.
You must:
a) Document any modifications you make to this code including the nature of the change, the authors of the change, and the date of the change.
b) Make the source code for any extensions you deploy available via an Electronic Distribution Mechanism such as FTP or HTTP download.
c) Notify the licensor of the availability of source code to your extensions and include instructions on how to acquire the source code and updates.
d) Grant Licensor a world-wide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, perform, modify, sublicense, and distribute your extensions.
The Original Code is: C3CRM Team
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is C3CRM Team.
Portions created by C3CRM are Copyright (C) 2005 C3CRM All Rights Reserved.
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